
The Eighth French Philosophy of Mathematics Workshop  is the eighth edition of a yearly conference in Philosophy of Mathematics organized by a group of French and International researchers, both philosophers and mathematicians, and sponsored by a Research Group on Philosophy of mathematics (GDR 3719 ) funded by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) directed by Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz (SPHERE, Paris 7). This research group has the objective of promoting and federating French researches in philosophy of mathematics.


Past editions of the conference can be consulted at the address: http://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/FPMW/ (tab: Historique).

 The 7th edition can be consulted also at the following address: http://fpmw7-2015.sciencesconf.org/

The three-day conference will be held from Thursday November 3 to Saturday November 5, 2016 at the University of Aix-Marseille in Marseille (campus Saint-Charles).


Program and abstracts can be downloaded here.




Conference registration is free but mandatory, because the access to the University site is restricted. Lunches and coffee breaks will be offered to all registered participants. Please register before October 25, 2016.

The social dinner will be on Friday, November 4 at 20:30 at the restaurant Les Arcenaulx, 25 Cours d'Estienne d'Orves, 13001 Marseille (fee to be paid directly at the restaurant, reservation needed by October 15, 2016). Latecomers are welcome, but please contact the restaurant yourself.

To register, you need first to create an account on the site Sciencesconf, then to login, and finally click on the link Registration in the Main Menu and fill in the required form.

If you do not manage to create your own account on Sciencesconf, please download the form available here and send it to the following email address: fpmw8-2016-organization@sciencesconf.org,  adding [Registration] in the object.


Support Committee 2016

Valeria Giardino (AHP/CNRS), Gerhard Heinzmann (AHP/UL), Philippe Nabonnand (AHP/UL), Baptiste Mélès (AHP/CNRS)

Organizing Committee 2016

Paola Cantù (AMU/CNRS), Gabriella Crocco (AMU), Philippe Abgrall (AMU/CNRS ), Marie Anglade (AMU), Valérie Débuiche (AMU), Mathilde Bouquet (AMU), Julie Humeau (AMU), Anaïs Mauriceau (AMU/CNRS), Sylvie Pons (AMU).

Scientific Commitee

Andrew Arana (IHPST/Paris 1), Paola Cantu (AMU/CNRS), Gabriella Crocco (AMU), Michael Detlefsen (University of Notre Dame), Viviane Durand-Guerrier (IMAG/Université de Montpellier), Sébastien Gandon (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont), Valeria Giardino (AHP/CNRS),  Brice Halimi (IRePh/Université Paris Ouest-Nanterre), Gerhard Heinzmann (AHP/UL), Jean-Baptiste Joinet (IRPhil/Université Jean Moulin – Lyon 3), Vincent Jullien (CAPHI/Université de Nantes), Giuseppe Longo (ENS/CNRS), Colin MacLarty (Case Western Reserve University), Paolo Mancosu (UC Berkeley), Jean-Pierre Marquis (Université de Montréal), Sébastien Maronne (Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse/Université de Toulouse Paul Sabatier), Baptiste Mélès (AHP/CNRS), Joël Merker (LMO/Université Paris-Sud), Philippe Nabonnand (AHP, Nancy), Alberto Naibo (IHPST/Paris 1), Marco Panza (IHPST/CNRS), Fabrice Pataut (SND, Paris 1), Fréderic Patras (Laboratoire Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné/CNRS), Francesca Poggiolesi (IHPST/CNRS), David Rabouin (SPHERE/CNRS), Shahid Rahman (STL/Université Lille 3), Andrei Rodin (Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences), Stewart Shapiro (The Ohio State University), Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz (SPHERE/Paris 7), Mark Van Atten (SND/Paris 1), Pierre Wagner (IHPST/Paris 1).





Main Institutional Partners : Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Université d’Aix-Marseille (AMU), Research Group (GDR) 3719 « Philosophie des Mathématiques », directed by Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz (SPHERE, Paris 7). 

Other research partners : AHP (UMR 7117), CAPHI (EA2163), CEPERC (UMR7304), IMAG (UMR5149), IHP (UMR8163), IHPST (UMR8590), IMT (UMR5219), IREPh (EA373), IRPhil (EA4187), Laboratoire Jean-Alexandre Dieudonné (UMR7351), LMO (UMR8628 - STL), PHIER (EA3297), SND (FRE3593), SPHERE (UMR7219) 


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